Thursday, June 19, 2008

Setting Up Camp - How to Create a Safe and Functional Campsite

Your campsite is your fortress in the wilderness. That’s why setting up camp should be done wisely and strategically. So be sure to keep these tips in mind next time you are on a camping trip to create a safe and functional campsite for a better stay outdoors.
Preliminaries In Setting Up Camp
Finding a good site to set up your camp is the key into having a safe and functional campsite. While searching for a spot where you can set up camp, there are a few points you should take into consideration.
First off, when setting up camp, you should look for moderately high, and level ground. Go for somewhere high and also dry when deciding on which spot you will set up your camp. Slopes are a big no-no to put your tent on because, if you do, you\'ll be slipping out of your sleeping bag through the night.
In setting up camp, you should also take into consideration your water source. See if there is a nearby water source in your preferred spot. Water is vital for camping; you\'ll require it for cooking, cleaning up, and drinking. Having a nearby water source will save you from the exhaustion of walking far away with a five-gallon water container at hand.
Your Own Kitchen In The Wilderness
You should also find a nice spot for cooking. You should never cook inside your tent. What you can do is find a flat area that you can clear of twigs, leaves or brushes that might catch fire. An important safety precaution to remember is to never leave your campfire burning unattended.
Clean Up Time: The Outdoor Style
When you are setting up camp, you should also provide a place for cleaning. You shouldn’t destroy the flora by watering it with soapy, hot water. Biodegradable soaps are the kind of soap that you should use, because they are environmental friendly. You should also unload gray water only in specific places where it will cause no serious harm to the wilderness.
You shouldn’t forget to take your garbage with you. In setting up camp, make sure you have rules regarding cleanliness. Gather all your trash and keep it secluded from your sleeping area and tent. Make sure that you place it somewhere that is unreachable from the local pests or critters.
Keep It Cool
In setting up camp, you should also make sure to consider the comfort factor. You should pick a site that has enough shade. This will make your campsite a relaxing spot, where you can hang out even if the sun is high at noon.
Before The Construction
Plan your trip ahead, so that you have the time needed to set up your camp properly. This is beneficial in that, when you arrive, you should still have enough daylight left to set up your camp and check the premises.
Safety First
Don’t forget to check the ground for sharp objects, glass fragments, or big rocks that can cause you injuries. Also watch out for low hanging branches that might fall over your tent. You should also check for other possible dangers at your site, such as: ants, bees, poison ivy, and dangerous areas like slopes and cliffs.
Setting up camp is not a one-man task. It is an activity that you and all of your companions should take part in. So help each other out with setting up to create a safe and functional campsite.
This article is brought to you courtesy of, a website which offers free information and resources related to hunting, camping, and other outdoor activities.Get more information regarding [ ]camp.

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