Sunday, June 8, 2008

Inexpensive Summer Vacation

There are two major events each year that drain the family bank account: Summer Vacations and Christmas. We tend to overspend all through December and then it takes the next four to six months paying it off. Then, just as we catch up from Christmas, we take a family vacation that sets us back financially until the following December.
If you don't have any idea what I'm talking about, then you can stop reading this article, however, if you know all too well what I'm talking about then perk up your ears and tune in your mind.
This article will discuss ways to save money on your summer vacations. Christmas over-spending is a whole other ball of wax, one that I'm not going to touch with a ten foot tent pole.
The price of gas, this year in particular, is enough to encourage many of us to stay home. The ever climbing food prices are enough to make us finally stick to our diets and eat less. So what you have left is a family vacation of staying home and not eating. Doesn't sound very fun to me.
Have you ever tried camping? Camping is an inexpensive way to enjoy the summer months. Tent camping is within most peoples grasp. Maybe you've never camped before and haven't a clue where to begin, my website along with many others give detailed packing lists and food ideas even the basics on how to make a fire. Plus lots of information on other camping equipment products that are available on the market.
Do you worry that it would be expensive to purchase all the necessary items to go camping? All you have to do is add up how much money you would've spent on that fabulous exotic getaway, compared to the cost of camping supplies, and you'll find that camping supplies are quite affordable. Plus, with proper storage, you'll be able to reuse your equipment over and over again. The money that you would spend on the exotic getaway has no reusable uses.
Maybe you don't know where to camp? That's easy, too. Buy a map of your state. Locate your town and take an average drinking glass and center it over your town. Trace around the base of the cup and lift it off. Now, look closely at your circle. Look for the symbols that indicates campgrounds and highlight them with a marker. You may have to extend your perimeter another half inch or so to increase your options.
Ideally, a good camping spot will be no more than one and a half hours from your home. I say ideally because if you can find a spot that is rather close, you can frequent that campsite more than once in the summer. Plus, you are not that far away from home for all of those unforeseen setbacks or illnesses. Think of your own family's personal needs when choosing a campground.
I love a grand scale vacation as well as the next person, but when it comes to true relaxation without the hefty price tag, I choose camping. I also choose simplistic camping or easy style camping. I take meals that are easy to cook, using minimal pans and utensils. I store my camping pans, utensils, foil, paper plates and cups in a tote that is always ready whenever we decide to go camping.
I know that the packing and unpacking for camping trips can seem overwhelming and may even be the deciding factor on whether or not you go camping. Just remember, taking any vacation requires packing and unpacking, planning and shopping. It doesn't have to break the bank, though.
So venture out this summer and try camping and if you aren't new to camping, reintroduce yourself to it. Here's a thought, take the difference in the money that you would have spent on a large scale vacation and put it into savings for Christmas.

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Not Camping Just Fun!

Not Camping Just Fun!
Frozen Fountain in our old backyard!